Chemical Safety Training

Course for students, faculty, and non-hospital staff

This two-hour class is mandatory for all researchers and supervisors of researchers working in a laboratory that engages in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. This training is focused on the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) and the safe use, storage, and emergency procedures for hazardous chemicals. Specific chemical safety topics covered include chemical hazards, how to obtain chemical hazard information, hazard controls including personal protective equipment, chemical storage, hazardous chemical waste, and spill procedures. In addition to covering chemical safety and the chemical hygiene plan, this training also provides an introduction to other laboratory hazards including biohazardous research, radioactive material, and lasers.

The first CHP training, lab-101: Chemical Hygiene Plan - Laboratory Safety 101, is in-person or on ZOOM. Please register for a session at EHSA Training Registration. The web-based annual refresher, lab-200: Chemical Hygiene Plan - Laboratory Safety Refresher 200, can be accessed through EHSA Training.

UChicagoSocial: Office of Research Safety