Chemical Safety

The chemical safety team at the University of Chicago is available to support principal investigators, research personnel, and students with handling, storing, and disposing of hazardous chemicals in a way that minimizes risk to people and the environment. 

Since chemicals can have a variety of properties, knowledge of the hazards and effective controls are crucial to safety. Our team includes chemical safety experts with extensive research experience.

If you're dealing with a chemical or biological spill, please call 1-2-3 (on-campus phone) or 773-702-8181 (off-campus phone). Remember to complete a UCAIR report after conditions are safe.

Exposures call the Needlestick/Bloodborne Pathogen Hotline at:

On-Campus Phone:
31880 pager 9990#

Off-Campus Phone:
773.753.1880 pager 9990#

Free chemical carriers for UChicago labs

To promote the proper and safe transport of hazardous chemicals, we make available to all UChicago laboratories one Eagle Thermoplastics container that holds a five-pint or one-gallon bottle. To receive your free carrier, contact Chemical Safety.

Our other services and responsibilities

UChicagoSocial: Office of Research Safety